Against Public Life


Tuesday, 12/21/21 at 1:53 AM
Dizzying weirdness of the near lacrimal event.
Horniess trapped in the past of a blanket.
Mushiness of keys, slightness of keytravel.
Opportunistically having sex for the novel.

He was afraid of becoming recognizable.
Fake beginnings of novels are all setting.
He told his sister that he was genetically
proud of her, on account of her writing.

Proprioceptive orientation towards the line.
All poets know how to envision possible poems.
Mothers have got to know it before they do it.
Unseasonable warmth has become a cliché.

The name of the child was “Second Park.”
“Swirling” or “twisting” figures made the
white marble sound like deep-fried dough.
Rodin made a baby with the cyprine in me.

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